Thursday, December 25, 2014



25th December 2014 , I was blessed to receive A text message from Founder and Director of Umoja Poetry Club , A resulted chapter of APC formed by this cool brother whom I personal met him during An African Liberation Day celebration which were held at United African Alliance Community Center with collaboration with Arusha Poetry Club 25th May. 2014.

This cool type of brother Mashalaah Magai texted me to wish happy holiday ( Christmass Eve ) the text resulted the heck of long minutes of conversation which was powered by the enthusiasm of poetry. I must admit I enjoyed the conversation as it was exactly it is what it mean to be discussed.

Since me and this brother are fan of each one of ourself poetry skillful, it happened we joined forces to help each others reaching our goals with mission and vision of what exactly we been thinking independently ,what exactly to do to help our vision meets our mission. Mashalah Magai highlighted the major objectives of Umoja Poetry Club as I found very unique and strongly positive to manage the art of poetry be sort of an art which could be able to uplift many upcoming poets in Tanzania who writes their poems in English or Swahili to fruitful benefit from that talents from within.

As luckily I am to be A team member of Arusha Poetry Club, I sensed successes towards new year 2015 , As we could officially be conducting poetry events , workshops and etc . APC managed to obtained new venue which allocated at Taste Of Mexico – Restaurant inside TFA Complex opposite to Nakumati Supermarket , two times within A month, while Umoja Poetry Club –UPC will start fresh to its project in Iringa region with Poetry Education as they will start having poetic radio program which will focus on speaking about art of poetry.

Brother Mashalah, added more about UPC project including the sponsorships from UPC members at Iringa , whom some of them sponsoring UPC some acres of land to conduct agriculture of food or business crops to help sustain the economic infrastructures of UPC, such A strategic couldn’t stop amaze me regards on how the Iringa pioneers seemingly to be well helpful to upcoming youth project like UPC.  We went far speaking about roadblocks we face towards our path of managing and directing these clubs, roadblocks like financial status, sponsorships of the venues, materials to empower our projects are commonly experienced by both sides, though APC has already have A venue , UPC has already managed to have it is own future planning of educating peoples ( poets ) through Poetry education speacial radio program that Mashalah and his comrades will enable to assist produce it 2015.

This morning conversation inspired me to write this article to share the poetic glimpse of how it was great morning to begin with during this Christmas Eve, with all ideas of helping ones who love poetry be able to come front and support it, same to the ones who has no much of information regards what is poetry and how powerful it is, will be part of the people to be benefited from such movement that these youngmen are dedicated themselves to be committed with.

As APC founder and co-director I also share my observation regards the future plans of APC beginning with the year of 2015, since we have managed to have the new venue TASTE OF MEXICO restaurant, which sponsored the APC next event in 3rd January at the same location , I highlight my vision of organizing poetry festival which will once withing A year organize all young upcoming poets and poets laureate from East Africa to come participate as soon as we have managed to have the sponsors whom will fully play their part on organizing it, positive signs of sponsorship has blinked from different associates , Arusha International Conference Center –AICC has positively shown it is interest to help APC missions , Kili Inc under Anwary Msechu are willingly to start document each of the APC strategic plans including its weekly events, as they look forward to produce documentary, Mandugu Digital under an East African Music Producer Akula Akwabi also known as DUNGA plays his part of sponsoring APC since 2013, Poet Laureate , Founder of WoChiPoDA , author and Children Poetry Books Author Tanzanian sister Gloria D. Gonsalves has confirmed its assistance of donating books for the workshops in schools, once APC workshops in schools start to take place, Kazawaza Recs, Watengwa Recs and United African Alliance Community Center as backbone of APC is around the courner to help the mission accomplished, problem which seems to delay the mission is call from within, an inner voice to greenlight the APC bus ahead forward to path of achieving the goal.\

That is when we have met ahalf way from each others, speaking about the inner voice to help you feel the commitment of exactly what we want to do as team is major key of this moving bus, Mashalah spoke about the right time and right people to work with should be the major qualification which will determine the result of its achievement , since many of us within ourselves we simply sees opportunities from difficulties there some who seems to see their opportunistic mindsets through the hardship too, As we all know our financial status which independently support things we do love to make them successful , I meant our projects.

For example myself, I went low key A whole year of 2014 working in A casino here in Arusha to see opportunities from each of the difficulties I will face to help Arusha Poetry Club, main aim was to raise money  from my salary which will be able to boost the project I founded, unfortunately the mission wasn’t seemed to be accomplished as I thought it could be, so I once again back at it focus on make it happen this time from the effort of itself, by any means necessary. The primary results don’t seems to be bad as Manager of Taste Of Mexico Mr. Condrad Kweka allowed APC to use its upstairs venue for the poetry events weekly within A month.

The conversation helped both of us, be abe to visualize the possibilities of successes through organizing ourselves. Our energy with its efforts will accelerate this hard rock ball to where we intent it to go. Mashalah seemingly to be dedicated from what he has been doing , that helped me see the reason why we have mutual intentions of make our projects be benefits for the societies even when we dead be gone, what we willingly to work on to make this beginnings be successful will be paid off with our living legacy that with sweats we hardly building.

I would like to end up with A final call of asking all who seems to be willing to sponsor or help achieve our goals to join hands with us, through this by either help to make us see the opportunities within all these upfront difficulties , You may donate for us APC, and its UPC Chapter any fund, grants, books , office equipments as we will officially start to organize our offices to legally working on these projects, You could donate any second handed office equipments, books , or anything that could be useful towards road of workshop when we start conducting workshops in schools of rural and urban.

George Kyomushula
Arusha Poetry Club
p.o box 1237
c/o United African Alliance Community Center

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