Ninaishi katika bara la Africa,
Bara ambalo wapo watu hawajawahi kufika,
Bara lenye hasi na chanya sifa,
Bara lenye wingi wa maarifa,hila na kila aina ya visa,
Bara la ardhi nzuri yenye rutuba,
yenye kumwagiliwa na damu na wafalme wa vita,
Naishi na ndege na wanyama wa kila aina,
Madini ya kila namna ambayo yanaibiwa kila juma faida kwetu hamna,
Naishi Afrika nakujuza wewe ambaye hujui wala hujawahi kufika Afrika,
Bara lenye ufahari kwa kuwa na kila mali,
Bara lenye kila watu wenye waledi,hata waganga wasiosomea udaktari,
Bara Mama lenye chanzo cha binaadam wa kwanza,
Bara lenye washairi wenye ubunifu na stanza,waimbaji mahiri kama Lokua Kanza,
Naishi Afrika ambapo wapo wanaozani naishi kama Tarzan,
Naishi Afrika ambapo kulianzia mitindo huru,watu wenye kughani kama marehem kaka Guru,
Naishi bara hili la kabila la waluguru na wamburu,
japo mabepari wameweka mirija ya kinyonyaji kama ya kututoza ushuru,
Naishi nina amani Tanzania ndiyo kwangu nyumbani,kwenye kuthamini utu kwa kuupa thamani na si kama huko kwa Mabaradhuli wasioupa utu thamani,
Kwa kuthamini vito vya samani wako radhi kwenda vitani.
Naishi Afrika japo ni mbali lakini sauti yangu kwa urahisi inasikika,
Naishi na ndugu zangu waafrika,mgeni kwa upendo tunakuarika,
Ujumuike na kila rika,ufurahi nasi ujifunze na mila zetu za Kiafrika,
Uamke kutoka kwenye ujuha wa kutokujua Afrika si bara la Majuha,
Bali ni bara lenye urafiki na Jua,bara lenye kila kitu kwa kila mtu,
Bara la kila mtu kwa kila kitu mwanzo mpaka mwisho wa kitu.
Karibu kwetu Afrika kama hujawahi kufika,
Karibu kwetu Afrika kama unataka kufika,
karibu kwetu Afrika ujifunze Uafrika na ukajitangaze vyema kimataifa
I'm living in African continent,
Continent which a lot of you have never been here before,
Continent of a lot of negative and positive facts,
Continent which has a lot of Knowledge, yet indeed It has a lot of tricks,
Continent of fertilized healthy soil,Continent which also navigated by Lord of Wars,
I'm living with birds and a lot of different wildlife,
Treasurers and different mines which are being stolen weekly while we profited from nothing,
I;m living in Africa in case you don’t know ,I'm living in Africa where you might not been here before,
Continent which is full blessed ,for having a lot of wealthy,
Continent of different professionals even doctors which didn’t study Medicine,
The Motherland which it is the source of the first human being (Zinjanthropus)
Continent of Poets whom are fabulous with stanza,yet it has great singers like Lokua Kanza
I'm living in Africa though there are some who thinks i'm living like Tarzan,
I'm living in Africa where it the source of freestyles/spoken words,
Folks whom knows how to rhymes like late brother Guru
I'm living in this continent which has the kingdoms of Luguru and Mburu,
Even though capitalists implements tubes of exploitation likewise taxation,
I'm living happier in Tanzania where is my home is at,
A place which embrace humanity and worth it ,different from where the Devils comes from where humanity is worthless,while for them a thing like gemstones it’s worth are even ready for wars to get it.
I'm living in AFRICA though it is so far but my voice is easily being heard,
I'm living with my fellow Africans, if you are not an African we lovely welcome you.
Join us, and be happy with us,while you learn our African tradition
To wake up from the brainwashed by knowing Africa isn’t the continent of brainwashed,
But it is a continent friendly to sun,which has everything for everyone,
Continent of anyone to have anything, from the beginning to the end of a thing,
Welcome in our Africa in case you never get here,
Welcome in our Africa in case you want to get here,
Welcome in our Africa to learn about African-ism so you can show off internationally.
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