Thursday, December 15, 2022



-George Kyomushula


Muziki huu wa aina ya HIPHOP uliobeba dhana ya muziki wa wahuni, tangia kuanzishwa kwake miaka ya 1980 huko Marekani. Umesababisha uzorotaji mkubwa wa uwasilishaji kwake kwa jamii katika kipindi cha miaka ya hivi karibuni duniani, hususani hapa Tanzania. Uzorotaji, uliosababishwa na makisio mabaya kwa jamii , hususani ktk mlengo wa kimaadili hasa ya kibiashara baina ya wadau na wasanii husika wenye falsafa zao na muziki wao

Kisanaa, kila msanii lazima awe na falsafa yake katika kuwasilisha sanaa yake. Falsafa husika ndiyo hutengeneza utambulisho wa msanii husika, siyo tu kwenye muziki hata katika sanaa nyinginezo mathalani  uchoraji, uandishi, uigizaji nk . Kwa mfano Tanzania tunajivunia mtu kama Edward Said Tingatinga na michoro yake ya Tingatinga , Mrisho Mpoto na falsafa yake ya ujomba katika sanaa yake ya Umanju wa mashairi nk. Au kundi moja maarufu kupata kutokea la muziki wa asili la Tatu Nane na utambulisho wao wa kifalsafa za kimakonde kupitia muziki wa asili. Wote hao kama wasanii , ni mfano wa usanii na falsafa husika. Maana kila msanii mwenye falsafa yake katika sanaa yake, hupata kuwa na utambulisho wake kwa hadhira yake.

Falsafa kuu ya muziki wa hiphop wakati unaanzishwa , ilikuwa ni kusadifu dhima ya ukombozi. Ukombozi wa kiuchumi, siasa , mapenzi , uongozi nk. Kila msanii aliamua kuwa na fasafa yake. Ila dhima kuu ilianza na dhima ya ukombozi, ndiyo maana mwanamuziki nguli wa Bongofleva ( zao la muziki wa hiphop lililoasisi lugha ya Kiswahili ) bwana Joseph Mbilinyi , maarufu kama Too Proud au Sugu ( jina alilojipatia enzi za tamthilia maarufu ya Kikenya ya Tausi , miaka hiyo. Kulikuwa na mtoto wa mitaani aliye mtukutu kupata kutokea. Aliyeitwa Sugu, alisumbua Watoto wenzie wa mitaani ) Too Proud au Sugu akiwa kama msanii wa muziki wa bongo fleva, mwenye usugu wa kifalsafa ya ukombozi katika mashairi & nyimbo zake.



Falsafa yake ndiye iliweza kutambulisha sanaa yake kwa usahihi wa maudhui yake, nyimbo zake sio tu zilikuwa zina nasibu utambulisho wake, bali dhamira yake. Mfano wa nyimbo kama HAKI aliyoimba na Justin Kalikawe ilinasibu uhalisia wa dhamira na ndoto zake baada ya kuja kuwa mbunge baadae, pia MIKONONI MWA POLISI ni kama ilibashiri matatizo yake baadae, mpaka kuingia matatani na jeshi la polisi akiwa mbunge. Kiusanii, msanii mwenye falsafa yake na akafanikiwa kuifanya kuwa utambulisho wake kisanaa. Huwa anakuwa amefanikiwa sana kusadifu utambulisho wake kisanii kwa jamii.

Nimemtolea mfano bwana Joseph mbilinyi ( SUGU ) japo hapa nyumbani Tanzania tulipata bahati ya kuwa na makundi mengi , na wasanii wengi wa muziki huo waliopata kuwa na falsafa tofauti tofauti, nao pia walipata kadhia ya kuhusishwa na uhuni ktk jamii. Kutegemeana na aina ya mavazi yao, uwasilishaji wa sanaa yao kupitia mashairi yao kwa mtindo wa lugha zao zenye rejesta za msimu , vijiweni nk







Kazi kuu ya msanii ni kuburudisha, elimisha na kuonya. Kwa bahati mbaya, jamii ya sasa inategemea kitu kimoja tu toka kwa msanii ambacho ni kuburudishwa. Jamii kwa ukubwa na upana wake, imefikia namna ya kupangiwa cha kusikiliza, furahia na kuburudushiwa nacho. Hapa ndipo dhana ya muziki wa hihop na uhuni inapoingia na kuonyesha kufanikiwa kwa walioianzisha dhana hiyo kwa malengo binafsi kwa kuipotosha au kuirubuni jamii husika kuwa na mlengo hasi na aina hiyo ya muziki kwa jamii hiyo.

Washika dau duniani kote walifanikiwa kuaminisha duniani kote kuwa HipHop, hususani hapa Tanzania. dhana hii lishamiri kwa sababu ya upya wa utamaduni huo , bila shaka dhana hiyo ya uhuni ilikuwapo kipindi ambacho wazazi wa wazazi wetu walipon’gamua utamaduni wa muziki kama wa Rock N Roll, Jazz , Rhumba, Salsa , Pop , Funky nk


Iweje dhana ya hiphop ni uhuni idumu? Pasi na shaka washikadau waliona kadhia ya muziki huo baada ya muda Fulani utakuwa ni ngumu kuutawala kama watapatiwa nafasi ya kutosha vijana wenye kupenda muziki huo ikiwa falsafa ya mziki wao una dhamira ya ukombozi ndani yake. Pengine waliona mbele , kupatia au pengine walikosea . Hiyo itategemea na uelewa wa kila mtu pasi na nafasi yake ya kufanya marejeo ya kifikra penye mantiki na fakti katika jambo hilo. Uhuni pandikizi wa kuwanyon’gonyesha wanamuziki hao vijana kupitia madawa ya kulevya na vileo vingine , havikuja kwa bahati mbaya kama inavyojulikana wanaharakati wote waliopata kutokea .Walifanyiwa ujasusi waliowahi kufanyiwa waasisi wa dhima ya ukombozi wa jamii yao. Kadhia waliyoipata ni kuundiwa zengwe la kijasusi na muasisi wa FBI Edgar J. Hoover aliyoiita COINTELPRO – Counter Intelligence Program iliyonuiwa kunyon’gonyesha, haribu, gombanisha, gawanyisha , piganisha wanaharakati wote wenye dhima ya kimapinduzi  (civil rights movement ). Pengine maafa yaliyotokea miaka hiyo ya 1960 mpaka 1970 kwa wazee wao yameweza kuikumba jamii ya vijana walioanzisha utamaduni wa muziki wa hiphop, kuhusishwa na uhuni kizazi na kizazi duniani.


Usisite kuniandikia maoni yako


George Kyomushula


Tuesday, March 24, 2015




The victorious glorious with no hocus pocus /
Treason to abolish the mission, none to trust /
Appeal of the mass / friends turns to be fiends as Octopus /

Fuss / born day without having A blast /
Cursed / blessings on your way to be minor-minus /

Testimonial over colonial role,
fill their bills bills belly with gas /
Gasped like Nicollo Machiaveli /
Soul to be traded , life to be for sell /

God deceipt like Kokopelli /
black sea needs A light to sail /
Red Sea needs A libation to carry /
Opportunities to be smuggled /
Live to survive ,if you are in the same struggle /

Embargo / We’d know it takes two to tango /
Truth revealed left them stumble , fumble   /
Cultural Scrambled /
Life of A Django powered by the puff !! puff !! pass of Kokomango /

Triumph felt within my veins/
Pictured from the images captured in my brain /

Role model of myself , sustain as one main man /
Tears on my cheeks as I cry on the rain / Confusion once again !!!


Friday, March 6, 2015

                 ( INFERIORITY COMPLEX )


I came to understand every single humanbeing lives with the psychological ghost from within, some of the ghosts are inherited and some are coming from the others our own everyday struggles. The worst part of this sort of mindset hocus pocus , is this thing known as Inferiority Complex.
Way back before slavery, Alkebulani  was lived with civilized people as it is now known African continent..I heard this African sort of name was named after the whiteman king Africus or something, whom most of the people knows nothing about it. Well that’s not the whole point though.

During the civilized world within Kemmet ,which is also another name of Africa, people were lived to believe in heroic stories, myths, tales which create an inspiration to almost all the African Kingdoms as now known as Tribes. People were lived to believe on becoming heroes and sheroes  due to the fact of how stories of unsung heroes were means to create such strong communities as they were eager to be one of the ever after lived heroes.

Well since things are changing from all modes of production, culture bent to be changed too, some are completely forgotten as the cultures which were used to be our ancestors culture, and some of the new culture becomes to be seen as they were previous culture of our ancestors.


Inferiority Complex, since I don’t know if it quiet right to named it as culture, but I can sense it plays A big role within different types of races, for instance my African race which sampled to be seen as An African culture to have that inferiority while the truth is…it is not even close to be our culture since it never been in our culture before slavery. I’m pretty sure some of the psychologists can explain better the impacts of inferiority complex than I could, but I wish to explain how does it means to be explained inside me.

As I was a child, the one and only person I was so afraid of …..used to be my father, why? Cause he was too strictly with some of the doctrines he wanted to implant within ourselves, I was blessed enough to be raised under A middle class family ,during 1990’s few years ahead after my country United Republic Of Tanzania announced to be rely on Non Alligment Movement ( NAM ) , We were not typical capitalists, neither socialists ..we were kind of down for whatever, That’s when my family could have access to the television, tv cables and whatever.

I came to understand why my father was so strictly within us, I came to understand he wanted us to know the world and understand it with his perception and guidance, toe to toe with an assistance of his wife whom is my mother. You may seems to ask yourself why that? The answer is simple, He wanted me , my sisters with our lil brother at that time , to live with moral aspects which he grew up with back at the village. Though he lived at the village at the time of socialism ,he would not mind to teach us what he learnt back at that time and the difference in between his past and our present and I can see how challenge it was to set up foundations which will help us to cope both ways though we never went to the village for homestaying with our grandparents.

During at that time, Yet I never knew something called inferiority complex perhaps I saw them but I didn’t understand if that were meant to be the ones, perhaps that fear I used to sees white folks at churches means to be known inferiority complex. I remember at my younger age at church meant something,I used to think all white folks were relatives of Jesus, Yet I used to believe clergymen whom they were doing sunday services at churches they have no sins, that loyality I used to have now I can double dare to say they are psychological inferiority complex. I should be excused incase some of you might think im going blasphemy .


Life passed by and the reality comes in between, school didn’t teach me nothing about inferiority complex, until I started  to educate myself, that is when I opened my mind and learnt about civil rights movement with oppression of the oppressors by using lynchism, Jim Crow , and other segregation strategics which meant to create the inferiority complex from our fellow African brothers and sisters from diaspora. That is when I came to the sense , if it happened to my cousin why it isn’t necessary to happen to my brother?

This ghost came in my life when I started to observe other peoples culture, and thanks to reality as potion which made to cure from poison, cause most of them western folks when they befriended with me it was the moment I felt like being accepted and wondered perhaps Im not considered as savage or someone awful.


As I sat down and meditate about this,  I still can see the stereotypes over black people still exists but well modified , inferiority complex itself self made to pleases the ones whom has been bewitched to be like sort of robots, whom wil be able to bow down for an acceptance of the oppressors. I hate whenever I sees myself through my imaginations when I play goofy to anyone whom seemingly to most like be like an Oppressor, I hate seeing myself in this position when I was an employee at different companies, my heart burns whenever I think of heart blast when you be notified your boss is calling you, though I could be on my desk at work, well dressed up, necktie and clean shoes still I could see myself in cotton plantation as Kunta Kinte feared to get whipped by Massa, I know people might be sort of offended to refers the present with the past, I know some of the people believes slavery is over, it is no longer existed, I know some of the people will be thinking to use slavery as vivid example is an escaping goat of the reality. Wel !! it might be true but it wont be the whole form of the truth, cause the truth is.. being inferior is an achievement of helping the Master to accomplish his goals, being loyal with it ,means to be baptized into the house or field as their negro .


In Tanzania for example  ,many communities have not been associate with foreigners and many don’t well know how does the inferiority complex real is in their life, the sense might comes later may be after experience difference sort of treatments from one to another . I laugh with anger deep inside whenever I meet people I know with different british accents when they speaks English, I laugh and end up angry when I sees my female friends sounds like Queen Elizabeth whenever they speaks English, I don’t mean to sound rude but seriously I get pissed. I supposed to be switched into the british accent since school thanks to Hip Hop cause it was too late for me to sound like Elvis Prisley so I could be known I speak English, even when I started to speak English in my teen, I was stereotyped to be seen that im ruffneck African child whom affiliated with rap music, and gangstarr rap. My English teacher once told me I should sound African when I read some literature during English class, I was young enough to understand that inferiority complex was eating our education system of my country and its foundation.


As I was in Dar es salaam last February,2015. My comrade whom is well known as Mejah Mbuya whom we were discussing this sort of agenda somewhere at the coast, he told me . The only solution is to read, he meant self educating perhaps like I did till I puzzled the whole picture on my own. Yet he added , people they should listen, when you listen careful you will understand something isn’t right, after that you will speak it out loud. When you have the courage you will, when you wont im sure you skipped the first point of self educating, Im sure if almost everybody self educate from the reality, the world would be full of activists whom could troublesome to the communities and the system would be threaten to be perished, since they already know that way back before we could have the grip. The system created things which will interrupt our ability of thinking deep, and do the right things for the right time , towards for the right purposes, instead of that they intoxicated our minds through out our foods, drinks, powered by intoxications from what they want us to watch on our TV’s and Radios.

We do need to educate ourselves, and educate our next generation. I sometimes don’t believe in life after deaths, I believe there is life at your presence. We need to be careful on protecting our lives cause we only live once. We should fight the inferiority complex ghost no matter how hard we be seeing that we should seek to see the Psychologists, cause the truth is…You are not sick, they wants us to be sick so they could intoxicate us with paramedics, best believe me if you are Jesus Christ is believer ..what does A pastor needs to take classes of Psychology, Sociology, and Theology to convert you into believer ?! are you sick to need Psychology approaches ? are you mad to be approached by his sociology approaches ? do you need all that so you could understand well about God and his teachings from Theology and Bible knowledge that our pastors, clergymen went to school for ?! .Family we do need to educate ourself before to dedicate yourself be full time robot of the Oppressors as minority .


George Kyomushula
feel free to add your point of view regards my article

Saturday, December 27, 2014


First comes first I would like to define Politics according to the definition based on different communities , people says politics is Holly Tricks , or sometimes they says Polltricks, as they pleased to explain what exactly means of the politics within their way of understanding it, It might be misinformed, well educated or judgmental ,heck of the definition but who knows why such of definition comes in between of their aim of express what it real is.

According to Wikipedia , it simply define Politics as the practice and theory of influencing other people on global , civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance – organized control over human community, particularly a state.

Here is where I check my headline “ When Politics tricks voters after poll ’’ Reason behind all of this article is when I was updated with former Minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement whom she was recently been sacked by the President of United Republic of Tanzania, Dr Jakaya M. Kikwete for Escrow scandalous. Prof. Anna Tibaijuka whom in personal I first heard her name from my uncle back in early 90’s whom was A student of University of Dar es salaam , Mr. Norbert Kabila, this uncle of mine once told us while we were watching news in my early teenage,claimed that Prof Tibaijuka as her excellent lecturer at UDSM, that’s when I first heard that name and grew up feeling like I know her in personal.

Well this lady whom originally comes from Muleba located in Kagera Region, as she is member of Parliament represents Muleba South, she is Professor of Economic, and first African woman in African continent to be elected by by the United Nation General Assembly as Under-Secretary General of United Nation Programme. Yesterday she has been quoted by Radio One Stereo said something which arouse my attention to writing this article, She said “ Government of United Republic of Tanzania, should rethink of exchanging system under National Assembly of Tanzania onward selecting Members of Parliament whom have been elected by the voters to becomes Ministers at the same time working as Members of Parliament. That quietly seems to overwork them with governance activities, rather than work on their responsibilities regards regions which its voters voted for them to represent their problems to the government ’’

Well, I one hundred percent agree with that strong quotation from Prof. Anna Tibaijuka, first for her honesty speaking, that she addressed towards the government. Throughout those words I sensed there are two different characters which these people plays, I mean Government officers and Members of Parliaments , whom I would like to call them “ Servants of the people ”. One character they play from within is being Politician, and another one is being A leader. Since I explained earlier about what it takes to be in politics, let me abit add more about Politicians.

Politician is simply A person who practice and theory of influencing other people on global , civic or individual level to achieving and exercising positions of governance , whom help to organized control over human community, particularly a state. Through this definition I sensed something , these politicians at some point they are anti-people. They be like that when they fail to pursue their responsibilities towards these people ( citizens ) as they need to organize full control over their communities . When Wikipedia said full control at first place I didn’t see armies, police forces, etc then I looked over it a bit closer I could even see the full control that politicians need to acquire towards state and its citizens which is LYING ON THEM .

I hate to say all politicians are liars, but I may be fair enough to say almost all politicians are the best people to tell the truth from different types of lies. Politicians they meet half way qualification of leadership, which they should learn to be one of their main responsibilities before they went across the streets to seduces citizens to vote for them.

Politicians use all of their beautiful lies whenever they preach on them citizens, when holly politics preached on these believer as citizens , they become intoxicated of believing in Politician by confusing them with leaders. A politician fails to pursue his responsibility of become A leader caused by the mission and vision of their parties. As we all know most of the missions of political parties is to form the government for particular state aim to take full control of the citizens with their communities.

Most of the states formed with the patriotics who named as Statemen, like here in United  Republic of Tanzania, our stateman was known Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. Almost all of the statemen they were leaders before acquired the states, they didn’t know how to proceed with something like Politics, which it always changes meaning accordingly with the situation going on globally, Politics manipulates people and their belongings, it sort of weapon used well in neo-colonialism. Politics make their Politicians go to cold wars with leaders, A leader cant switch to be politician, but A politician can switch well to become A leader , as they can hide themselves from leadership umbrella to the presences of their voters. When Politicians seek voters to vote for them they always goes with the presences of leadership, community organizer, servant of the people and all sweet things which will trickery voters to believe this is the type of the leader they should vote for, unfortunately many citizens fails to understand the man standing towards them is the politician who hide his identity with the mask of leadership.

You might wonder difference in between leaders and politicians, I believe these two type of people are different in almost everything, Most of the leaders are self committed , by expressing things which leading them to where they wish to reach for the benefits of the ones whom are following them from behind. Most of the leaders do things which which always leaves their legacy even when they dead gone, Leaders are self committed . Politicians are not servants of the people as leaders , Politicians are servants of their political parties though sometimes you may find A lizard on the marching of alligators, sometimes you may find A leader in politics but it always hard to tell how he will be able to handle pressure of different forces , forces of the people he supposed to be served for and enforcement from his political party which acquire him to do as what his party acquire him to do “ taking full control of the people and their communities ’’.

And most of these type of Poli-leaders , I meant politicians whom are leaders from within end up being assassinated because of their inner voice of leadership, unfortunately at the wrong place or wrong type of people whom chosen him/her to do what they suppose to do. You can take an example of the Kennedy brothers ( United States Of America, President and his young brother )  Abraham Lincoln, Patrice Lumumba, Bhutto family members, Muamar Qaddafi etc.

So I would like to let whoever have chance of reading this article, to think clear of what sort of grip did you got right after I explained accordingly with my point of views regards politics, leadership, quote of Prof. Anna Tibaijuka , as she being sacked from her position of Minister of Lands etc, what sort of drift you got from her statement? Which position she was playing in between the government, her party, community etc ?  and what you do think of leaders and politicians roles towards you as citizen or fellow member of this community? Don’t hesitate to write me your suggestions, disagree, agree, educate or update what I did or didn’t n’t well explained.



George Kyomushula
Founder / Co-director Arusha Poetry Club
p.o box 1237
Arusha Tanzania

Thursday, December 25, 2014



25th December 2014 , I was blessed to receive A text message from Founder and Director of Umoja Poetry Club , A resulted chapter of APC formed by this cool brother whom I personal met him during An African Liberation Day celebration which were held at United African Alliance Community Center with collaboration with Arusha Poetry Club 25th May. 2014.

This cool type of brother Mashalaah Magai texted me to wish happy holiday ( Christmass Eve ) the text resulted the heck of long minutes of conversation which was powered by the enthusiasm of poetry. I must admit I enjoyed the conversation as it was exactly it is what it mean to be discussed.

Since me and this brother are fan of each one of ourself poetry skillful, it happened we joined forces to help each others reaching our goals with mission and vision of what exactly we been thinking independently ,what exactly to do to help our vision meets our mission. Mashalah Magai highlighted the major objectives of Umoja Poetry Club as I found very unique and strongly positive to manage the art of poetry be sort of an art which could be able to uplift many upcoming poets in Tanzania who writes their poems in English or Swahili to fruitful benefit from that talents from within.

As luckily I am to be A team member of Arusha Poetry Club, I sensed successes towards new year 2015 , As we could officially be conducting poetry events , workshops and etc . APC managed to obtained new venue which allocated at Taste Of Mexico – Restaurant inside TFA Complex opposite to Nakumati Supermarket , two times within A month, while Umoja Poetry Club –UPC will start fresh to its project in Iringa region with Poetry Education as they will start having poetic radio program which will focus on speaking about art of poetry.

Brother Mashalah, added more about UPC project including the sponsorships from UPC members at Iringa , whom some of them sponsoring UPC some acres of land to conduct agriculture of food or business crops to help sustain the economic infrastructures of UPC, such A strategic couldn’t stop amaze me regards on how the Iringa pioneers seemingly to be well helpful to upcoming youth project like UPC.  We went far speaking about roadblocks we face towards our path of managing and directing these clubs, roadblocks like financial status, sponsorships of the venues, materials to empower our projects are commonly experienced by both sides, though APC has already have A venue , UPC has already managed to have it is own future planning of educating peoples ( poets ) through Poetry education speacial radio program that Mashalah and his comrades will enable to assist produce it 2015.

This morning conversation inspired me to write this article to share the poetic glimpse of how it was great morning to begin with during this Christmas Eve, with all ideas of helping ones who love poetry be able to come front and support it, same to the ones who has no much of information regards what is poetry and how powerful it is, will be part of the people to be benefited from such movement that these youngmen are dedicated themselves to be committed with.

As APC founder and co-director I also share my observation regards the future plans of APC beginning with the year of 2015, since we have managed to have the new venue TASTE OF MEXICO restaurant, which sponsored the APC next event in 3rd January at the same location , I highlight my vision of organizing poetry festival which will once withing A year organize all young upcoming poets and poets laureate from East Africa to come participate as soon as we have managed to have the sponsors whom will fully play their part on organizing it, positive signs of sponsorship has blinked from different associates , Arusha International Conference Center –AICC has positively shown it is interest to help APC missions , Kili Inc under Anwary Msechu are willingly to start document each of the APC strategic plans including its weekly events, as they look forward to produce documentary, Mandugu Digital under an East African Music Producer Akula Akwabi also known as DUNGA plays his part of sponsoring APC since 2013, Poet Laureate , Founder of WoChiPoDA , author and Children Poetry Books Author Tanzanian sister Gloria D. Gonsalves has confirmed its assistance of donating books for the workshops in schools, once APC workshops in schools start to take place, Kazawaza Recs, Watengwa Recs and United African Alliance Community Center as backbone of APC is around the courner to help the mission accomplished, problem which seems to delay the mission is call from within, an inner voice to greenlight the APC bus ahead forward to path of achieving the goal.\

That is when we have met ahalf way from each others, speaking about the inner voice to help you feel the commitment of exactly what we want to do as team is major key of this moving bus, Mashalah spoke about the right time and right people to work with should be the major qualification which will determine the result of its achievement , since many of us within ourselves we simply sees opportunities from difficulties there some who seems to see their opportunistic mindsets through the hardship too, As we all know our financial status which independently support things we do love to make them successful , I meant our projects.

For example myself, I went low key A whole year of 2014 working in A casino here in Arusha to see opportunities from each of the difficulties I will face to help Arusha Poetry Club, main aim was to raise money  from my salary which will be able to boost the project I founded, unfortunately the mission wasn’t seemed to be accomplished as I thought it could be, so I once again back at it focus on make it happen this time from the effort of itself, by any means necessary. The primary results don’t seems to be bad as Manager of Taste Of Mexico Mr. Condrad Kweka allowed APC to use its upstairs venue for the poetry events weekly within A month.

The conversation helped both of us, be abe to visualize the possibilities of successes through organizing ourselves. Our energy with its efforts will accelerate this hard rock ball to where we intent it to go. Mashalah seemingly to be dedicated from what he has been doing , that helped me see the reason why we have mutual intentions of make our projects be benefits for the societies even when we dead be gone, what we willingly to work on to make this beginnings be successful will be paid off with our living legacy that with sweats we hardly building.

I would like to end up with A final call of asking all who seems to be willing to sponsor or help achieve our goals to join hands with us, through this by either help to make us see the opportunities within all these upfront difficulties , You may donate for us APC, and its UPC Chapter any fund, grants, books , office equipments as we will officially start to organize our offices to legally working on these projects, You could donate any second handed office equipments, books , or anything that could be useful towards road of workshop when we start conducting workshops in schools of rural and urban.

George Kyomushula
Arusha Poetry Club
p.o box 1237
c/o United African Alliance Community Center

Monday, July 28, 2014



First comes first im not real really old school boy of late neither late 60’s, 70’s 80’s but im kind of old school fan 90’s music , cause I was born in late 1986 November 30th. But I cant deny I grew up listening most of the western,and African music at that time of my early age through motivation of my father, whom was in love of his records ( old version of cd’s )

At that time he has one of his best expensive music system which helped me to memorized most of the genres of music from Choir, Lingala, Phunk, Jazz , Soul, Rock & Roll to Rhythm and Blues to Hip Hop. My father music systems got me be a huge fan of music, most of the songs at that time were hardly to be memorized by its name, unless if you are grown up enough and know how to read and write. I believe I started memorized songs from my father’s collection since I was atleast 5 years old, when we were living at Keko freights neighborhood. Because there are some of the song which can be played at the meantime and win to get my intentions like “ I remember this song when I was very very young boy “ for example A lingala song from Congo Kishansa , sung by Mpongo Love  called Ndaaya, it really really reminds me of my childhood.


Im grown up now 28 years old, proudly father too I start wonder music all over the world were tasted different compare to how it does taste at the moment, I remember when Jackson Five songs used to be popular to my generation too, sung along Michael Jackson songs in our own swahili version me and late sister Joyce ( R.I.P )  when we were hitting the road to school Keko Magurumbasi Primary School, at that moment, still you could sing different and taste different when you hear songs o Tshalla Muana, M’bilia Belli, Monique Sekka, Marijani Rajab, DDC Mlimani Park, etc 

Life was very beautiful at that time when good classic music was everywhere in the world, I remember when I was in my 6years old me and my father we went to see the fight of Rashid Matumla ( Snake Boy  ) at Gerezani and he won, we were so happy, my father carried on his shoulders, my lap wrapped his neck ,my baby hands hold his baldhead cherish the moment and the song of Pepe Kale - Rodger Miller was blasting in the hall and the arena was full crowded with people, hardly seen my uncle Deogratius Kyomushula, whom was an assistant of his friend boxer Rashid Matumla.
It was a great memory cause when we get home through my father motorcycle I had the best night storytelling my mom and my sisters about how it was. I came to the sense music helps tighten memory when I kept heard the song of Pepe Kale over and over but still I couldnt know what its name because I was young enough to get names of the songs and their lyrics. But thanks to the internet i can watch them now on youtube and share the glimpse of my childhood memorylane.

Music of that time was strongly produced in quality despite the fact they were not in an era of science and technology, when seamen comes from the long trips used to comes with such records of Milli Vanilli, Commodores, Jackson 5, Madona etc and my father through his connections used to own some records and invite his friends, family at home play his joints and have a nice meal during sundays, I still remember those days through musics when i luckily hear them play out online, or on flash back radio programs.


Like I said before, Im not that old school cat in music from 1960’s or something but I heard most of music when i was teen age in my early 1990’s , and most of the music I heard were Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Hi Hop, Bongo Fleva, Lingala, etc which means I can tell the difference between good music of that time when i was real into music of those artists across the world to these new school artists. I came to see its taste aint the same start from the bottomline of how it does produced, promoted, distributed etc

Im pretty sure when whats called old school musics,were produced it was pretty hard to finish the record within a day due to the fact that everything has to take place at a particular with specific plan, Producer whom was producing songs of Juwata Jazz Band for instance used to take his time much more as A current producer in 2014 . I wish to know why it was like that during late 60’s - 90’s and it isnt the same at the current time ? If it was still analog system on music making and it got well produced talented songs from those artists how does it seems so rough and hard to be made in the meantime ? and what amaze me all over the world the quality of music was superb excellent, if U.S had great band like THE WHISPERS  still in Africa there were great bands too like Sikinde Ngoma Ya Ukae, great singers like Marijani Rajabu, Res Wanyika etc , when U.S had the best hip hop clue like Wu Tang still in Tanzania we had the best one too like KWANZA UNIT , I get lost how does it be different at once in all across the world ?

Now we have mimic singers, whom truely dont know how to sing but get promoted their butts off, im writing this article Oliver Ngoma on the back ground with his song Nadia, it make me wish there could be another means to express what i want to write but i feel i cant, Music which used to make us memorize most of the events on how life, seems its no longer existed, I dont even remember the best song when I graduate secondary school during our graduation, im sure there was A popular song at that time but how cant it be so chap chap to reminisce through songs? if it happen to me A person who graduate in mid 2005 when it will happen to the generation of next 20 years when the music they listen is electronic, no drums, nobody to pull the strings no melody.

I wish could have answers the reason of fallen down the good classic music to rise of the crap music, type of music which emphasize sex and crimes, drugs and prostitution which we really see as good music at the meantime esp if you didnt get a chance to taste the good music of that time of the era of Etta James, Pepe Kale, Zaiko Langalanga, Renee Ramila , Mbaraka Mwinyisheh etc, Now A rapper with his piggy banks like Rick Ross comes on stage through wheelchair, A lazy bones with full of tats ,chest out sun goggles in the club and still sing his song with an assistant of Play Back cd and we call that good music?? come onn mayn.


What I also dont understand it the way this new school music portray homosexual as identification of beautiful or term of being cool handsome ,sexy or whatever. You find A singer or rapper wearing purple skin jeans and sagging pant to see his pink underwear, that is A male singer doing that. Yet his lips has lip shinned,face full of make up singing and sounds as horny white girl,( no offense ) how can you sing A swahili song with A blonde british accent for heaven sake? Are those type of musicians our society truely wants? I remember watching TvZ ( Television of Zanzibar ) during 90s when Bongo artists used to go performing there, all the fans were sitting on their chairs as if its not A music concert but theatre, and I was like what the heck is long with these people? I didnt know that there are some of the customs we enforced to make ours, its too late now..If Zanzibar folks couldnt dig the music concerts at that time, we both cant dig how endanger we are by letting these purple skin jeans male singers/ rappers be role models of our children through the bubblegum music they are listening to.

I wish there could be any means necessary to evacuate the casualties of great talented singers remained to produce more great one, cause the way things are going good type of musicians whom can well sing, dance and play instruments will be only seen and told through museums that Tanzania, the world used to have very great conscious singers, rappers during late 1960’s - 19990’s , Asa sung A song FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN , we should awake before burnt alive since minority already sense the blue print of whom refers themselves as music industry stakeholders whom are nothing but undertakers who burns alive this sort of art. Tanzania is already in a wave of neutralize the talented ones in a form of controlled and shut the artists mouths so they can also be used to kill the influence of music for some political, administrative interest, We can see the best hiphop artists at that time whom are now being corrupted institutionalize the power of music on the particular society. 

Thank Yo

Arusha Poetry Club
Founder / Director 
Arusha Poetry Club 
George Kyomushula