
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
ARUSHA POETS kindly prepare 5 poems of your own to get recited by yourself this weekend ...the venue will be Arusha Masai Cafe..contact me 0759 403 169/emai kyomushula@gmail.com for registration ..lets go Y'all..this will be every weekend in town..lets make it happen !! A TOWN POETRY CLUB the saga begins
Is ARUSHA POETRY CLUB which the idea brought on the table with two comrades, Old Panther Comrade Mama Charlotte Hill O'neal and Panther Cub, brother George Kyomushula at the night of the July.2011, when these two folks were riding back from town to the countryside of the village known as Imbaseni ,the convo started on how to improve the way of creativity on the POETRY ,POETS, and how to writing poems, these guys were dreaming of seeing that one day Arusha could have the spots whereby people who loves poems and poetry in general could have the place where they could hang out and recites their lyrics officially,they couldnt started it right on time after they dreamed about it, cause everything happens for a reason.
This venue was used in SLAM POETRY- AFRICA workshop in July 2010,the workshop which was organized by United African Alliance Community Center under co founder Mama Charlotte Hill O'neal and Poets from Kenya brother Pepe Haze and Kennet P whom they carried on the workshop to encourage young folks to participates in poetry and become one of the source of employment as self employment through Arts like Music, Paints, etc
So the team poet united together in late July and started organized for some more other places where can be used as the venues for the Poetry clubs, we fortunately got one which is Arusha Masai Café, we still expecting to get more other venues so we can spread around the whole town..and make everyone knows that ARUSHA POETRY CLUB will be everywhere.
Likewise is to create the platform for the Poets be able to recognize with the society that they are existed artists whom were there before rappers start using R.A.P (Rhythm and Poetry) this will help the community to be a ware of the poetry as the main tool to teach the society ,same time to give entertainments through the art of Poetry..as far from recognition also these Artists to get paid through their talents.
Saturday around 7pm to 9pm, as it the a tribute day and invitation has been sent to a lot of poets whom would like to participate into it then, then if not 9pm will indeed get done around 10pm.
Kindly show up to listen some poems from young fellows and the adults whom are willing to share their art with you..support this session either by email other poets and welcome ones who are willing to come and witness how do Poets break a breads.
Contacts incase you wanna be part of the participants
Email – kyomushula@gmail.com
Phone numbers +255759 403 169
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Julius K. Nyerere
How Mwalimu Nyerere dealt with Malawi’s claims
Julius Nyerere at the State House, Dar es Salaam, 1976.
By Mobhare Matinyi, Washington DC. THE CITIZEN, Tanzania, Friday, 10 August 2012. Page 9.
Malawi’s absurd claims that the whole of Lake Nyasa, or as they stubbornly call it Lake Malawi, belongs to it did not start today. This is an inherited problem from the British who kept changing the borderline to suit their colonial ambitions. Sadly, Malawians think they are still under the British.
Malawi, formerly Nyasaland, bases its argument on the Anglo-German Agreement of 1890, and conveniently hiding behind a 1964 resolution of the now defunct Organization of African Unity without even knowing its genesis. The resolution, which follows a principle in international law called uti possidetis, ita possidetis, meaning, “may you continue to possess such as you do possess”, was updated in 2002 and 2007 by the African Union.
That resolution was a brainchild of the first president of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, and it stipulated that African countries must accept the borders as they are. Why Nyerere? The whole story is in one chapter authored by the late Prof. Haroub Othman in the book Reflections on Leadership in Africa: Forty Years After Independence, published in 2000.
Nyerere recounted the visit that Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda paid him in early 1962, just a few weeks after Nyerere had resigned as Prime Minister of the then Tanganyika. He said: “So Banda comes to me with a big old book, with lots and lots of maps in it, and tells me, "Mwalimu what is this, what is Mozambique, there is no such thing as Mozambique". I said "What do you mean there is no such thing as Mozambique". So he showed me this map, and he said "That part is part of Nyasaland, "that part is part of Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), that part is Swaziland, and this part, which is the northern part, Makonde part, that is your part."
Nyerere continued: “So Banda disposed of Mozambique just like that. I ridiculed the idea, and Banda never liked anybody to ridicule his ideas. So he left and went to Lisbon to talk to Salazar about this wonderful idea. I don't know what Salazar told him...So those three, the delegation of the Masai, led by the American missionary, Banda's old book of maps, and the Ogaden, caused me to move that Resolution, in Cairo in '64.” Banda later became the first president of Malawi.
Nyerere was not wrong, and with regard to Lake Nyasa, he had started the discussion even before Tanganyika and Malawi became independent. On November 30, 1961, as Prime Minister, Nyerere wrote to the Secretary General of the then United Nations Organization (UNO), informing him that Tanganyika would only honor agreements that the British entered on behalf of Tanganyika in the previous two years until December 8, 1961, unless there were further arrangements. Nyerere reasoned that, the British ruled Tanganyika under the terms of a trusteeship, which denied them legal powers to alter borders.
But Malawi’s cabinet crisis in 1964 forced some politicians including a popular nationalist, Kanyama Chiume, by then a foreign affairs minister, to escape to Tanzania through Lake Nyasa, and that outraged Banda. Additionally, Tanzania as the leading country in Africa’s independence struggles couldn’t tolerate Banda who had made himself a South African puppet; thus, the border talks stalled but a cold war emerged.
Later, on May 31, 1967 while speaking in Iringa Nyerere said: “I am told that the boundary was changed by the British during the declaration of the Rhodesian Federation, but they had no right whatsoever to do this because Tanzania (Tanganyika) was a Trust Territory.” Chiume, who studied in Tanzania before going to Uganda to attend Makerere University, was the credible informant on this particular detail.
Chiume had told Nyerere that in 1956 when the British formed a commission to determine borders of the Rhodesian Federation, which would have included Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe of today, they moved the borderline from the middle of the lake to the eastern shore. In August 1969 Chiume repeated the same account to James Mayall, a researcher from the London School of Economics.
Banda’s madness didn’t end with the lake; he claimed Njombe, Songea and Tukuyu as part of Malawi, and in response Nyerere said in September 1968: “Banda must not be ignored simply because he is insane.” In fact, Nyerere saw the claims that the border lies alongside the shore was so fooling, that he said: “The insanity of the claim is proved by the fact that the eastern shore is constantly mobile.”
Honestly, it is true that the 1890 Agreement established the border between Nyasaland and Tanganyika on the eastern shore of the lake, but was later redrawn by the British in 1922 when they ruled both countries after World War I. Perhaps, in respect of the riparian water rights, which originate from the English common law, the British moved the border to the midline of the lake, a perfect, logical and legal step since Tanganyika was their mandated territory as directed by the League of Nations.
In 1945, after World War II, Tanganyika continued to be under the British but under different terms of the UNO called trusteeship, meaning Tanganyika would in no way be their colony. The British went back to the 1890 borderline, making an illegal decision in 1956 through a border commission of the Rhodesia Federation, and that is why Malawi’s claims are contested by Tanzania.
In any case, Tanzania’s diplomatic note dated January 3, 1967 remains an official policy even today: “We wish to inform the Government of Malawi that Tanzania has no claim over the waters of Lake Nyasa beyond the line running through the median of the Lake, and that this line alone was recognized by Tanzania as the legal and just delineation between the countries.”
Based on the situation, Nyerere and his government declared on December 20, 1968: “We will wait for the emergence, in Malawi, of a sensible leader”. President Bakili Muluzi was wise in this matter, and somehow Bingu wa Mutharika, but I am afraid the current leader, Joyce Banda, isn’t. Quarelling with Tanzania is not smart considering many factors especially its military capability.
Perhaps what Mayall predicted in 1973 is correct, that, “Malawi has no alternative, in practice, but to acquiesce in a Tanzanian presence on the Lake. In the absence of major effort by Malawi to control the water level, and to exploit the resources of the Lake in a more thoroughgoing manner than at present (1973), it seems the status quo will persist.” That is why things are hot now!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Africa: Why Africans in the U.S. Support NDA’s Chernoh Bah (By Olusegun Ogundeji Israel)
Africa: Why Africans in the U.S. Support NDA’s Chernoh Bah (By Olusegun Ogundeji Israel)
- Ajamu Bandele, African Socialist Movement, Director Of International Affairs
In this interview with US-based Ajamu Bandele, the Director of International Affairs for the African Socialist Movement (ASM), he gave Concord Times’ Olusegun Ogundeji Israel an insight into what it really means to be a socialist and how people of African origin in the US still throw their weight behind the group’s leader, Chernor Alpha Bah, despite series of criticisms.
What is socialism all about?
Ajamu Bandele: Well it is a social economic philosophy that believes that the producer of wealth in society – the workers – should own and control the resources. It believes that the wage workers are exploited from the true value of their labour by the capitalist that privately own the means of production i.e. the factories, machines, trucks, and labour raw materials.
Let’s say I have a little understanding of these theories as taught in schools. Are there no other strings attached to the socialist movement other than this basic understanding?
Ajamu Bandele: There are but I need for you to be specific with what you want to know. The principles of Socialism are rooted in Communalism which is the most ancient social economic philosophy and system developed by African people and other indigenous people.
What about the religious belief?
Ajamu Bandele: Some socialists are Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc. There is a variety of ideological tendencies within the general Socialist movement. Some are atheist. Socialism is a social economic philosophy. The principles may clash with religious ones at times but there is no orthodox position around the question of religion because Socialism will overturn the status quo and empower the masses of people.
I’m a Christian. And I subscribe to the idea of socialism. If the principle should clash with my religious belief, what would be the way out?
Ajamu Bandele: There is no way out. Contradictions exist and compromises will be made. But I believe that a true Christian would see socialism as the system that best serves the masses of poor and sick people. The principles of peace, love, humanity, equality, and freedom. We believe that when you have an economic system and political system that legitimizes the ownership of the majority of wealth by a small group of greedy capitalist, there can be no freedom, peace, or justice. Many of the social evils that affect our beautiful African people are resolvable.
Apart from being honest, socialists attract criticism. Why?
Ajamu Bandele: The powers that be. Those that own the global economy have been waging a propaganda ideological war against socialist and socialism for two hundred years. It is the philosophy that opposes exploitation. But it is going to take a revolution in order for socialism to be constructed. We are not only fighting for a united and liberated Africa. But we must also say what type of socioeconomic system we will build in place of the capitalist-colonial one.
What is the difference between Pan Africanism and Socialism?
Ajamu Bandele: Pan Africanism and Socialism go hand to hand. Indeed, Africa is the most critical geopolitical region in the world. The question is: what class will rule and own the means of production? How will societal wealth be owned and distributed in the society? We socialist say that the masses of workers and peasants must be the new ruling class.
Let’s say I agreed with you. But don’t you think it will take some time to change the orientation of our people? Or did I say that because I’m a novice about socialism? Most of our people don’t know much about socialism and its principles.
Ajamu Bandele: You are absolutely correct but as the revolutionaries, it is our duty to develop tactics and strategies to raise the consciousness of the masses. They do but just not from an intellectual standpoint. We understand that under any circumstance, human beings must perform some types of labour to produce the basic necessities of life- food, clothing, shelter etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong to say that a lot has to be done to redirect the thinking of our people.
Ajamu Bandele: Yes, this is true. However it is possible. It is a process. People think based on what their circumstances are. We have historic examples of how rapidly socialist consciousness can spread and materialize in a revolution. Well the Cuban, Chinese, and Soviet Revolutions are historical examples.
In Africa, there is Guinea Conakry under Toure; Burkina Faso under Sankara etc. It is the acquisition of state power by a revolutionary socialist party that transforms society in a way to show people that socialism is the better system.
I don’t think Cuba is a good example.
Ajamu Bandele: It is one of the best in fact. It was a virtual neocolony of the US. They made a revolution without going through the process of raising the consciousness of the people and winning them to socialism. The people united with the overthrow of Batista and the imperialist rule of their island even after being under an embargo and forced to militarize the government and people. But they survived. While there is no extreme wealth, there is no extreme poverty. My comrade is a medical student there.
As the Director of International Affairs for the ASM, what are your duties?
Ajamu Bandele: It is my role to initiate and cultivate international relations and build a mass base of support for the ASM.
In a chronological order, can you tell me what you know about Chernor Alpha Bah, the ASM and its interest in Sierra Leone?
Ajamu Bandele: The African Socialist Movement was founded and is based in Sierra Leone. In 2002 Chernoh Alpha M. Bah co-founded the Africanist Movement as a mass based organization fighting for the liberation, unification, and development of African people in Sierra Leone and throughout Africa. By 2005 the Africanist Movement was an international mass organization with bases in eight West African countries. 70,000 members in the first three years of its existence is an almost impossible feat.
Aside these highlights, how did you think Africans in the US got to know of Bah and his organisation?
Ajamu Bandele: I cannot speak for every African in the US but I became aware of Chernoh at a tour event in Philadelphia back in 2007 that was organized by the Uhuru Movement. The Africanist Movement joined the efforts to build an African Socialist International as an organization to coordinate the activities of African Socialist worldwide. As part of the process, the Uhuru Movement sponsored a tour. I was so blown away by his ability to articulate the conditions on the ground in Sierra Leone and the organizing that the Africanist Movement were doing under the circumstances with minimum resources. He educated us about the history and forces involved in the extraction and exportation of the natural resources of Sierra Leone and how the primitive petty bourgeoisie function in a managerial capacity as puppets of foreign capitalist and governments.
If you cannot speak for every African in the US about how they became aware of Chernoh, how can you talk on why Africans in the US support the ASM and Chernoh Alpha M. Bah?
Ajamu Bandele: Well, because I do not know how every African became aware of Chernoh and the Africanist Movement. I became aware through his speaking tours. Asking me how every African in the US became aware of Chernoh is not a question that I can honestly answer; however I can say why we support the ASM and Chernoh Alpha M. Bah.
OK. Why do Africans in the US support Chernoh?
Ajamu Bandele: We support Chernoh because he is a fearless advocate of African liberation, unification, and socialism! We support him because of his history of criticizing imperialism and neocolonialism while also organizing internationally. We support Chernoh because of his integrity as a leader. The first impression that I got of this brother is that he is a genuine character. We have followed him closely here. His analysis is sharp. And we see in Chernoh and the ASM an opportunity to cultivate a principled unity. We support the ASM and Chernoh because they have the correct understanding of what needs to be done in order to liberate our people as demonstrated by the last decade of struggle and sacrifice made in pursuit of this objective.
Recently, there were reports at home accusing Chernoh of being a dishonest man. Are you aware of these accusations? If yes, what is your take on it?
Ajamu Bandele: Yes, I am aware of this and it is the direct result of a vicious slander campaign initiated by the African Peoples Socialist Party based in Florida, USA. For a period of four years, the Africanist Movement and the Uhuru Movement were working under an alliance to build the African Socialist international. Chernoh served as the interim director of the ASI until late 2009. The accusations came from an organization that attempted to take over the Africanist Movement but was resisted and ties were severed. There was a great uproar from those of us here in the US that support Chernoh and know that his character is exemplary. Visit www.africansocialistmovement.wordpress.com. This is the other side of the story that the All Peoples Congress APC-sponsored media outlets did not bother to mention. I am a former member of the African People’s Socialist Party APSP and Uhuru Movement. Many of us that know Chernoh personally and the true nature of the APSP rose up in defence of our comrade and the ASM. The ruling APC is intimidated by Chernoh’s growing influence and attempted to republish this slanderous article as a means of character assassination to sow seeds of distrust.
So where do you see Chernoh in the next five to ten years?
Ajamu Bandele: I see Chernoh becoming the leader of an international movement of African Socialist. In Sierra Leone, I see Chernoh emerging as the people’s champion. We are confident that he will be elected MP in November. In four years, Chernoh will be a serious candidate for president. We are in the precise historical moment for the emergence of a widespread movement against neocolonialism. Societal conditions are favourable. As the international economic crisis has sparked a new scramble for Africa, the same social class forces that have betrayed Africa and African people for centuries must be removed from the seats of political power. I believe that in the next five to ten years, we will see Chernoh emerge as a serious leader on the international scene.
What link(s) do you have with Africa?
Ajamu Bandele: I am Gullah. We lost our ethnic identities through the slave trade. I view all of Africa as my homeland and every people as my people. The struggles are one. Colonialism created Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Congo etc, 55 microstates.
Have you ever been to Sierra Leone? Or any part of Africa?
Ajamu Bandele: Not yet.
Don’t you think people may consider it unusual that you are championing the cause of people in a geographic location where you have never been?
Ajamu Bandele: No not at all. There are people of Chinese ancestry in the US that have never been to China but they champion the cause sometimes more aggressively than those at home. There are many African patriots. Marcus Garvey never stepped foot in Africa. Is it unusual that he was a champion of African people everywhere? Contrary to popular belief, most Africans in the US cannot afford to visit Africa. I grew up in the ghetto. Poor.
Your final message to Sierra Leoneans
Ajamu Bandele: I would like to say to the people of Sierra Leone that Chernoh has effectively brought international attention to the struggle there and that many people are watching the elections very closely. And there are Africans abroad and freedom loving people that love them and view the ASM as an organization to challenge and change the status quo characterized by corruption and greed.
What is socialism all about?
Ajamu Bandele: Well it is a social economic philosophy that believes that the producer of wealth in society – the workers – should own and control the resources. It believes that the wage workers are exploited from the true value of their labour by the capitalist that privately own the means of production i.e. the factories, machines, trucks, and labour raw materials.
Let’s say I have a little understanding of these theories as taught in schools. Are there no other strings attached to the socialist movement other than this basic understanding?
Ajamu Bandele: There are but I need for you to be specific with what you want to know. The principles of Socialism are rooted in Communalism which is the most ancient social economic philosophy and system developed by African people and other indigenous people.
What about the religious belief?
Ajamu Bandele: Some socialists are Christian, Muslim, Jewish etc. There is a variety of ideological tendencies within the general Socialist movement. Some are atheist. Socialism is a social economic philosophy. The principles may clash with religious ones at times but there is no orthodox position around the question of religion because Socialism will overturn the status quo and empower the masses of people.
I’m a Christian. And I subscribe to the idea of socialism. If the principle should clash with my religious belief, what would be the way out?
Ajamu Bandele: There is no way out. Contradictions exist and compromises will be made. But I believe that a true Christian would see socialism as the system that best serves the masses of poor and sick people. The principles of peace, love, humanity, equality, and freedom. We believe that when you have an economic system and political system that legitimizes the ownership of the majority of wealth by a small group of greedy capitalist, there can be no freedom, peace, or justice. Many of the social evils that affect our beautiful African people are resolvable.
Apart from being honest, socialists attract criticism. Why?
Ajamu Bandele: The powers that be. Those that own the global economy have been waging a propaganda ideological war against socialist and socialism for two hundred years. It is the philosophy that opposes exploitation. But it is going to take a revolution in order for socialism to be constructed. We are not only fighting for a united and liberated Africa. But we must also say what type of socioeconomic system we will build in place of the capitalist-colonial one.
What is the difference between Pan Africanism and Socialism?
Ajamu Bandele: Pan Africanism and Socialism go hand to hand. Indeed, Africa is the most critical geopolitical region in the world. The question is: what class will rule and own the means of production? How will societal wealth be owned and distributed in the society? We socialist say that the masses of workers and peasants must be the new ruling class.
Let’s say I agreed with you. But don’t you think it will take some time to change the orientation of our people? Or did I say that because I’m a novice about socialism? Most of our people don’t know much about socialism and its principles.
Ajamu Bandele: You are absolutely correct but as the revolutionaries, it is our duty to develop tactics and strategies to raise the consciousness of the masses. They do but just not from an intellectual standpoint. We understand that under any circumstance, human beings must perform some types of labour to produce the basic necessities of life- food, clothing, shelter etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong to say that a lot has to be done to redirect the thinking of our people.
Ajamu Bandele: Yes, this is true. However it is possible. It is a process. People think based on what their circumstances are. We have historic examples of how rapidly socialist consciousness can spread and materialize in a revolution. Well the Cuban, Chinese, and Soviet Revolutions are historical examples.
In Africa, there is Guinea Conakry under Toure; Burkina Faso under Sankara etc. It is the acquisition of state power by a revolutionary socialist party that transforms society in a way to show people that socialism is the better system.
I don’t think Cuba is a good example.
Ajamu Bandele: It is one of the best in fact. It was a virtual neocolony of the US. They made a revolution without going through the process of raising the consciousness of the people and winning them to socialism. The people united with the overthrow of Batista and the imperialist rule of their island even after being under an embargo and forced to militarize the government and people. But they survived. While there is no extreme wealth, there is no extreme poverty. My comrade is a medical student there.
As the Director of International Affairs for the ASM, what are your duties?
Ajamu Bandele: It is my role to initiate and cultivate international relations and build a mass base of support for the ASM.
In a chronological order, can you tell me what you know about Chernor Alpha Bah, the ASM and its interest in Sierra Leone?
Ajamu Bandele: The African Socialist Movement was founded and is based in Sierra Leone. In 2002 Chernoh Alpha M. Bah co-founded the Africanist Movement as a mass based organization fighting for the liberation, unification, and development of African people in Sierra Leone and throughout Africa. By 2005 the Africanist Movement was an international mass organization with bases in eight West African countries. 70,000 members in the first three years of its existence is an almost impossible feat.
Aside these highlights, how did you think Africans in the US got to know of Bah and his organisation?
Ajamu Bandele: I cannot speak for every African in the US but I became aware of Chernoh at a tour event in Philadelphia back in 2007 that was organized by the Uhuru Movement. The Africanist Movement joined the efforts to build an African Socialist International as an organization to coordinate the activities of African Socialist worldwide. As part of the process, the Uhuru Movement sponsored a tour. I was so blown away by his ability to articulate the conditions on the ground in Sierra Leone and the organizing that the Africanist Movement were doing under the circumstances with minimum resources. He educated us about the history and forces involved in the extraction and exportation of the natural resources of Sierra Leone and how the primitive petty bourgeoisie function in a managerial capacity as puppets of foreign capitalist and governments.
If you cannot speak for every African in the US about how they became aware of Chernoh, how can you talk on why Africans in the US support the ASM and Chernoh Alpha M. Bah?
Ajamu Bandele: Well, because I do not know how every African became aware of Chernoh and the Africanist Movement. I became aware through his speaking tours. Asking me how every African in the US became aware of Chernoh is not a question that I can honestly answer; however I can say why we support the ASM and Chernoh Alpha M. Bah.
OK. Why do Africans in the US support Chernoh?
Ajamu Bandele: We support Chernoh because he is a fearless advocate of African liberation, unification, and socialism! We support him because of his history of criticizing imperialism and neocolonialism while also organizing internationally. We support Chernoh because of his integrity as a leader. The first impression that I got of this brother is that he is a genuine character. We have followed him closely here. His analysis is sharp. And we see in Chernoh and the ASM an opportunity to cultivate a principled unity. We support the ASM and Chernoh because they have the correct understanding of what needs to be done in order to liberate our people as demonstrated by the last decade of struggle and sacrifice made in pursuit of this objective.
Recently, there were reports at home accusing Chernoh of being a dishonest man. Are you aware of these accusations? If yes, what is your take on it?
Ajamu Bandele: Yes, I am aware of this and it is the direct result of a vicious slander campaign initiated by the African Peoples Socialist Party based in Florida, USA. For a period of four years, the Africanist Movement and the Uhuru Movement were working under an alliance to build the African Socialist international. Chernoh served as the interim director of the ASI until late 2009. The accusations came from an organization that attempted to take over the Africanist Movement but was resisted and ties were severed. There was a great uproar from those of us here in the US that support Chernoh and know that his character is exemplary. Visit www.africansocialistmovement.wordpress.com. This is the other side of the story that the All Peoples Congress APC-sponsored media outlets did not bother to mention. I am a former member of the African People’s Socialist Party APSP and Uhuru Movement. Many of us that know Chernoh personally and the true nature of the APSP rose up in defence of our comrade and the ASM. The ruling APC is intimidated by Chernoh’s growing influence and attempted to republish this slanderous article as a means of character assassination to sow seeds of distrust.
So where do you see Chernoh in the next five to ten years?
Ajamu Bandele: I see Chernoh becoming the leader of an international movement of African Socialist. In Sierra Leone, I see Chernoh emerging as the people’s champion. We are confident that he will be elected MP in November. In four years, Chernoh will be a serious candidate for president. We are in the precise historical moment for the emergence of a widespread movement against neocolonialism. Societal conditions are favourable. As the international economic crisis has sparked a new scramble for Africa, the same social class forces that have betrayed Africa and African people for centuries must be removed from the seats of political power. I believe that in the next five to ten years, we will see Chernoh emerge as a serious leader on the international scene.
What link(s) do you have with Africa?
Ajamu Bandele: I am Gullah. We lost our ethnic identities through the slave trade. I view all of Africa as my homeland and every people as my people. The struggles are one. Colonialism created Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Congo etc, 55 microstates.
Have you ever been to Sierra Leone? Or any part of Africa?
Ajamu Bandele: Not yet.
Don’t you think people may consider it unusual that you are championing the cause of people in a geographic location where you have never been?
Ajamu Bandele: No not at all. There are people of Chinese ancestry in the US that have never been to China but they champion the cause sometimes more aggressively than those at home. There are many African patriots. Marcus Garvey never stepped foot in Africa. Is it unusual that he was a champion of African people everywhere? Contrary to popular belief, most Africans in the US cannot afford to visit Africa. I grew up in the ghetto. Poor.
Your final message to Sierra Leoneans
Ajamu Bandele: I would like to say to the people of Sierra Leone that Chernoh has effectively brought international attention to the struggle there and that many people are watching the elections very closely. And there are Africans abroad and freedom loving people that love them and view the ASM as an organization to challenge and change the status quo characterized by corruption and greed.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This project is originally started back in the days here in ARUSHA ,A moment of real hardcore hip hop,when there were alot of finest Arusha Mcs (underground) back in the days in early 90’s.
The moment where ciphers, pass the mic around was a major excited sport of the youths whom chosen to express themselves through Hip Hop genre.
At that time bros where in different clique like Watengwa, X plastaz, and bunch of the crews which were used the M-I-C to represent themselves through art of Poetry, they used their spoken words, lyrically through the rhythm and poetry (RAP) different rap styles like turn twist, with maniac break dances as well known Ngareroo dances and many more, which genuinely were symbolize the art of Hip Hop, through this kind of transformation they had their majors favorite spots where they used as stages to breakdown lyrically of what they planned to rhyme on the audiences, they used places like Metropole, Mawingu,Lex, Collabus,Lake Duluti ,and many more those places carried on different bonanza, street bash and events which were supporting the movement of Hip Hop back in the days in Arusha. The movements like those ones were used to help upgrading the different local Arusha Mc’s, to be well known worldwide, whom most of them are even in overseas doing music internationally, and one of the major example of the brother who started cipher in Arusha and it led him cross the boarder to U.S and appeared in B.E.T CYPHER with one of the hip hop icon internationally known as KRS ONE (The Teacher),he is the brother from ARUSHA who cant deny the movement of the back in the days in Arusha led him and his crew XPLASTAZ to be well known internationally, he is one and only but GSAN RUTA.
The term word SUA is a slang word which has been used by many of the youths in Arusha town,which simply means as a spot to hang out, as the same slang word which used with others brothers and sisters across the world if it means as a zone to hang out,and that were well known with the old skool artists of the Arusha like WATENGWA whom did recorded a joint before which was well known back to the SUA,
How did the S.U.A (saving the underground ) project started? It was an idea of brother Daudi Bakari whom is the chief producer of WATENGWA STUDIO here in Arusha, It was an idea which was bothering him a lot ,due on how he experienced some bottleneck as a music producers towards of the underground artists whom were so thirsty to become music rappers, mc’s but unfortunately they were no idea on where and how to start doing that, “it was alil bit hard to help most of the underground artists to record their joints,while they didn’t know a lot of the strategies on how to write their lyrics e,g sixteen bars, staying on the key etc, and I always think that one day I will help them out to find their path on where they want to go through the MIC and lyrics they writes,and hopefully we came up with S.U.A which inherit the same movement which has been used by the old skool artists from Arusha, yes indeed,the ciphers ,freestyle etc) those were the words from Daud Bakari whom is the founder of the SUA..I also spoke with Biggie Shrima whom is co-founder of the SUA and Project Coordinator of saving underground Artist,he also said almost the same thing toward the SUA, as not something new to Arusha neck of the hoods,but a thing which used to useful back in the days before with those old skool cats ’’the main reason of coming back with this project of saving underground artists is because we have been thinking that the term and conditions of creating conscious Mc’s like the ones whom used to creat themselves back in the days has been collapsed after new skool cats seen no path to promote themselves toward their hoods,and in the media generally, cause the way things worked out back in the 90’s things were pretty much hard to be a stand steel Mc in the era were there were no pretty much recording studios, stages for their talents to be seen (video and radio stations and sponsors for their album debuts etc) comparing to what’s going down at the moment ,underground Mcs experience a lot of challenges ,yet you find themselves have less knowledge even on how to write their lines, rapping their rhymes and putting their talents to the next level,” Biggie Shirima didn’t stop that he continued to tell me on how this project will help them artists, and S.U.A project organizers are aint seeks the cash flows on their pockets as making the project being the main thing of making themselves be paid in full, likewise he spoke whats on his mind due on how millions of problems they are facing to make the projects goes down like that, it is hard to believe the project till right now it has no committed sponsors whom are willing to work with them head to toe, twenty four seven into three sixty five.
It is the Non Government Organization which currently based in Arusha and has been targeting to provide opportunities to the youths due on how to express their talents through Arts and Music which can help themselves as a major way of self employment, SUA it has been supported with Watengwa Records, Barefoot records, Mystic Vibes, Dab Music ent and Red Films which all of them are corporate as team work, those companies are also located in Arusha town and they are willing on helping the movement tolet the youths hook themselves up from Poverty, negative activities like ruff neck gangs ,threat of getting epidemic diseases like AIDS, prostitution and drug abuse, which will led them path finding of depend on themselves through their talents and their power to speak out what is on their mind and making themselves getting paid. The target is helping mult talented street children, and other young boys and girls who they do have a talents on grabbing and spiting some sense on the mic,even if it will be about spoken words, rhymes etc.
As I discovered in Arusha within 10 folks 7 of them rapping or has been rappers before of having friends who are hip hop rappers, so it simply tells almost 76% of new skool kids are hip hop fans different with the early 90’s where almost everyone were Hip Hop rappers, so that can tell that the numbers of the Mcz in Arusha town has been dropped from not less than 90% to minimum of 76% which it is not that but honestly if the emergency cant be carried on right on the spot, the flava of Arusha as Hip Hop region will drop it down as fast as disappearing of Kilimanjaro Uhuru Peak Ice land with a global warming excuse same as numbers of the Mcs to be dropping down for an excuse of none is willing to help this culture of Arusha town to be vanished simply cause no good ones to learn from the best .
Hip Hop is a our culture which has been originally came from the motherland,here in Africa as raw and born again in new form of raw material at New York, before getting back to Africa, so this means as an Elder African don’t criticize new skool artists whom are willing to do hip hop music as their main dependant career,so it is about time to get support from every one whom will understand what the meaning of Hip Hop ,we need to awake these fallen talents of our kids to come help themselves creating employment..Its about time to do research about what hip hop Mc has to be ,I mean conscious Mc whom can use his spoken words with a rhythm of the well cooked instrumental and make a rhythm and poetry, combined together with some sense lyrics which will help the communities to learn from them.,it is about time to let the Poets and others mult talent artists to teach through music and their others talents, lets give them a chance to tell us what has to be heard straight from their lines as recognized conscious Mc’s who they can absolutely teach their peer age folks even elders, cause the new worlds has much more differences comparing to the old world, this is the new era let the elders help their kids to be the teachers while they are young so the next generation could be filled with a lot conscious humanbeings, and we may start with this project which aim to support the conscious hip hop music ,where brothers can dress fresh, neat and respected, Afro centric and adorable, inorder to burry down the myth that hip hop is the music of Kleptomaniacs, Lunatics, Drug abusers, Sluts or workless folks,
‘We are full of sins, reason why God gives US thunder storms instead of rains’-Motra The Future
S.U.A has been able to organize the workshop towards the artists whom will be on the stage to pass the mic around and lyrically spit battle fight, the workshop was aiming to skool everyone to stay on point when they are on stage ,to help them focus on what consciousness lines should be provided inorder to make a great sense on stage, while they should know that there are term and conditions are strictly has be followed e.g it is strictly prohibited for a participant to cuss on his rhymes or talking non sense while snatched the holly Mic, so this is the one of the main challenge towards the fake rappers who has been influenced by bubble gums lyrics which are being promoted by most of the media world wide, SUA has created it is own stage to promote their Mcs through YOUTUBE which straighten alert the artists that, their sense will be recognized world wide through social networks, and that will help them understand that it wont need them to depend on few group of people inorder them to be recognized as conscious mc’s whom are needed on hell on earth of this day.

S.U.A street bash events will be twice within a month as usually since it started 27th April. 2012 same place same time at Kijenge Juu area code. Yet SUA will be a major key of influenced the participants of that event to come around dressed up fresh ,neat and Afrocentric, as many of the footages which are being captured into their couple events, it impress a lot see young folks, combed their big Afro, sisters with dreadlocks, brothers with balds, shades, leather so soft, aim is to burry all the myth and negativity of Hip Hop as music of ruffneck crack head boys, thugs and others criminals, we need this to be understood, we truly wants to see conscious people on the counscious scenarios of helping build this statue together..it is alil bit hard to achieve all at once but atleast we can start making it happen, as State Man of our country Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere said it can be done if everyone play their part.
(A brother of - SUA )
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